Thursday, April 25, 2019

Light of Love - Will the soul continue to exist after the body dies?

"It's amazing, Molly... the love inside, you carry it."

- The role of Patrick Swayze, Sam, the role of Demi Moore, Molly, Ghost

Do you believe in some kind of life after death?

CS Lewis once said that he never doubted anyone who died from surviving, but when his wife died, he was no longer certain. why? Because life is very important to him.

When it comes to the belief in the possibility of a certain life after death - the soul / spirit / essence / consciousness of a dummy living in an identity after death - CS Lewis is expressed in this way [such as Anthony De Mello in him The book "Awareness; The Dangers and Opportunities of Reality" states:

"It's like a rope.

You answer, yes. '

"Well, we will use this rope to disappoint your best friend." #39;

Then you said, wait a minute, let me test the rope again. '

You are not sure now. "

In other words, the possibility of a certain afterlife may not be as important before we lose close relatives. In theory, we may or may not believe it.

Of course, this is an interesting concept that can be thought, read, watch movies and drama, and discuss - but if all our loved ones are still here, then what happens after they die is usually not too high on our radar Worried about things.

But when we lose loved ones, boys, boys... now we are worried! I mean, where are they - their essence - gone?

Or is it really dead... dead? When the body dies, is it really over?

If you have experienced losing your loved ones, sometimes you may find yourself asking these types of questions.

After my husband, John, died suddenly at the age of 32, I certainly did it.

But that's the way it is: In retrospect, what I experienced after his death was incredible in supporting evidence that something might exist after our body died.

I spent the last day of John's life with him at the ICU, holding his hand and comforting him as much as possible, because the medical team prepared his organs to remove the organs.

After midnight, the operating room is open for business. I watched a group of nurses and technicians prepare his body for transfer. One temporarily removes him from the respirator while the other manually forces air into his lungs through a device that looks like a plunger. I want to scream. He left me, I can't do anything about it.

They pushed John down from his room and walked down the hall. I followed behind and went directly to OR. When I turned around and saw several family members following us, I screamed and screamed at them: "Get out! Leave us alone!"

The medical staff stared at me. But my support team pulled it out of the operating room. I walked to John and leaned over to kiss his lips.

"I love you," I said.

Then I took a deep breath, waved his last wave, turned and walked into the corridor full of family and friends. Then I went home to start my life as a 32-year-old widow.

But then something amazing happened. At 5:30 the next morning, when I woke up, I saw a red-orange headlight on the window of the entire bedroom. A few hours later, when the organ removal coordinator called me and told me which organ of John was able to be donated [heart, kidney and islets], I asked her if she knew when John's time was removed.

I can hear her turning over the notes on the other end of the line.

"That's it," she said. "At 5:30 this morning, his heart was removed."


In the months after John's death, I actually saw the two red lights: once in my bedroom - but on my head next to my head, it scared me.

But then, as the years passed, I couldn't see the light again. Instead, I saw white light.

In fact, one night after John died three years ago, I could not even see white light. I am a country resort in Bragg Creek, with several women living in rooms with bunk beds. I slept on the bed in the upper bunk. When I woke up the next morning, the woman on the bunk bed, said to me, I asked how I slept.

"Good," I said.

"Oh," she said. "Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the reading light above my head lit up, so I don't think you can sleep."

Confused, I looked up at my head and then returned to the woman.

"There is no reading light here," I said.

"Well," she replied, "in the middle of the night, there is some white light on the top of the head."

Given all that I have experienced since the death of John, I strongly suspect that something will exist after our body dies. In fact, after a person dies, it is often a kind of light, which is very interesting.

In John's case, it was justified that his light was red at first, because I was very skeptical that his soul was calm and was suddenly taken after the golden age of life.

However, over time, I think his soul did find peace with his sudden death, which may explain why it later appeared white light.

"Your soul is the part of your immortality," Garry Zukov's wrist, his book "The Seat of the Soul." "Love is the energy of the soul... but love is not passive. It is a positive force."

That night I watched the movie "Ghost". I have not seen it for many years. However, this time, I did not find heartbreaking sorrow.

Rather, I'm curious about the way the film solves the theme of life after death... and found that many characters have experienced strange things similar to what I've experienced over the years, including the last white light, when Patrick Swayze's soul finally calmed down and was able to move on.

Orignal From: Light of Love - Will the soul continue to exist after the body dies?

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