Sunday, April 21, 2019

Cosmic creativity in modern science

In Einstein's theory of relativity, the concepts of space [time and time simultaneity], mass and energy equivalence [sense relativity], space expansion [big bang], and space and energy-quality equivalence are introduced. The combination of general relativity and quantum mechanics leads to the emergence of the entire universe from zero and absolute emptiness. This "appearance-creation" of the universe from scratch does not occur in space or time, because both are the same as the universe, space as the energy of space space expands, and time as the unit of measurement of motion and change. Here, the event, as the "something" that takes place, and because it happens, creates space, time and matter - quality - energy, the composition is the novelty of relativity, which indicates that the world is always created rather than static and permanent.

In quantum mechanics, the term "creativity" is magnified because, according to the ontological probability of the Schrödinger equation, natural events form a constant transition from probability to reality. The quantum theory is completed by the concept of the grand unified theory, especially through the unfinished superstring theory, revealing that at the microscopic level of subatomic particles or space creation, the movement literally precedes existence and the object is a form indicating the possibility The move to the reality of continuous transition.

In the nonlinear physics of complex systems, the term "creativity" does not simply correspond to the initial appearance of the universe [big bang] or quantum mechanics, the subatomic scale process described by the grand unified theory and the superstring theory. But it extends to all aspects of nature: physics - chemistry, ecology, psychology - psychology. Therefore, through the theory of nonlinear physics, macroscopic observation of the structure of the animal, the overall form of motion, in order to obtain an irreducible [and therefore continuously generated] ontological meaning as a whole, is a feature of the operation of this part.

Combining the theory of quantum mechanics and relativity, it can be said that modern physics abolishes the customary concepts related to natural phenomena, which is considered to be a constant change of basic materials. In contradiction, the description of physics and mathematics in the contemporary natural world corresponds to morphological dynamics, which is the creation of a world description of all cosmic shapes from zero at all cosmological levels. From this point of view, zero is understood as having no shape, and the attention of the indefinite eternal material is weakened, and it seems that it cannot be proved by the evolution of scientific thought. "Biology" and its "substance" are assimilated into forms of movement that have been created or are being created, as well as sentence movements in motion.

At the anthropological level, the term "creativity" has been more widely developed because it reveals that human beings are not simple creations of the process of the universe, but rather cooperate with ideas, their forms, their forms, gain a sense of belonging and co-creation. . The feelings and emotions of theoretical and psychological content, theory, institutions, etc. are not proposed at the level of simple biological or physical-chemical processes, even if they are directly related to them and produce each other rather than determine and not lose their self-efficiency. The world and human beings are created and co-produced in a two-way relationship, and this feedback relationship develops over time.

It can be said that the creation of the universe from zero or the absolute form of the existence of the universe is considered to be a connected time, a process of unpredictable and innovative in the world, through constant physical symmetry destruction, asymmetry and uniqueness. As a result, the world continues to be enriched on the ontology through new innovations that make the future asymmetrical to the past. The arrow of time means that the world in the literal sense and the form of the universe that exists are created from zero and absolutely, and "return" to the latter and recreate it.

The physics of chaotic systems attributes the mathematical description to the concept of creating the shape of the universe through bifurcation theory, according to which the physical system tends to a critical situation, which develops new existence in an unpredictable way through specific interrelationships and information processes. And functional structure. In general, new structures that exist and operate can be suggested, similar to the virtual form on the physical system to scale and adjust its parts in order to achieve meaning and holistic as a whole rather than as a simple result micro-process, formed and created in nature. This means that in addition to matter and energy, the world is revealed as information. This process of creating cosmic characters seems or does exist.

  It is considered to be a kind of "cosmic discourse", an expression of "cosmic discourse" and "cosmic sentence". In this sense, the facts pointed out are constantly supplemented by the facts to be pointed out.

It can be said that the time arrow introduced by the cosmic function [thermodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, big bang, information program, Markov program, etc.] corresponds to the irreversible and irreversible direction of the "meaning" of the universe, and is constantly created and enriched. Here, even if it is corroded in the future, something born from zero contributes to its relevance that does not conform to the cosmic situation that existed before its creation. In other words, birth and corrosion make the future always asymmetrical to the past. From this perspective, even if the entire universe reaches zero at a time, this does not mean that the zero point after the creation of the world is similar to the zero before it. Possibly, time is equal to an unchangeable and immutable "cosmological memory" and the development of cosmological relevance. Even if the world and the universe disappear completely, this correlation can never be eradicated.

Orignal From: Cosmic creativity in modern science

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