Saturday, April 27, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of Otoplasty

In general, we don't think our ears will play an important role in our appearance. Rarely judged, unless they are unattractive, prominent or large, they are still insignificant. If your ears are prominent and look abnormal, they can make the entire look awkward, leaving a shadow on your overall pleasing appearance.

Ear surgery, also known as auricular augmentation, can improve the shape, appearance or position of the ear, correcting defects in the structure of the ear whenever it is done, treating ear damage that affects shape, or just for aesthetic reasons.

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is ' Ear Plastic Surgery' And it has become quite common among adults and children. Execute to change the position and shape of the ear. In other words, it will make your ears look less prominent. It comes in all types - but the most common procedure is to shape your ears as close as possible to your skull.

Like any other surgical procedure, it is at risk - especially for children. Many parents allow their children to undergo this facial surgery, taking into account pain, infection and symmetry.

If you or your child's ears are disproportionate - this makes you feel embarrassed, otoplasty can be a solid permanent cosmetic solution. However, before you make a decision to accept this program, you must weigh the pros and cons to determine if it is worth it.

Advantages of Otoplasty

  1. Otoplasty is no different from any other reconstructive cosmetic surgery. The purpose here is to enhance the look of your face. If your ears are large and too far from your skull, surgery can help you reshape your ears and make them more suitable.
  2. It is not only common to be bullied or teased because of your ear shape, but also the emotional self-esteem of children and adults. Bullying may be an important factor in not like your ears. This kind of ear cosmetic surgery will help you and your child recover lost confidence.
  3. If injured in an accident, surgery can restore the original shape of the ear
  4. Surgery can help treat different types of defects in the ear structure
  5. The results are long lasting, and the surgery takes a short time, usually within a few hours.
Disadvantages of Otoplasty

  1. Otoplasty involves complications such as bleeding, cartilage infections, skin infections and long-term pain.
  2. Cosmetic surgery sometimes prolongs healing time, especially for scar regression or for patients with health problems such as diabetes.
  3. Patients with otoplasty cases have experienced permanent numbness of the face and ears.
  4. Surgery depends primarily on the efforts and skills of the attending physician. If your surgeon's plastic surgeon is unprofessional and incompetent, you may face dangerous side effects after surgery.
  5. Although ear cosmetic surgery is permanent, there is a potential for recurrence of 40%.
Bottom line

In short, the idea of ​​otoplasty sounds good, attractive, and has many advantages, but must consider the related shortcomings and side effects. This is a surgical procedure that can cause bleeding, pain and infection, which can become a big problem. Therefore, by discussing with a cosmetic surgeon, make sure you evaluate the procedure, recovery process and possible outcomes of the procedure.

Orignal From: Advantages and disadvantages of Otoplasty

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